What Happens During CBT Therapy?

If you choose to have CBT therapy in Swindon, the first thing we will do is gain a clear understanding of the problems in your life and what you are hoping to get out of CBT therapy. We will then look to analyse your thought patterns and understand how they are negatively influencing your feelings and behaviour. Once we have a good grip on the way you think, our task will be to replace these damaging thoughts with more constructive, compassionate, rational ways of seeing the world.

How Do I Know If I Need CBT Therapy?

My CBT therapy in Swindon is suitable for people with any kind of mental health issue, such as depression, anxiety, traumatic memories, loneliness, relationship or family issues, any losses or abuses suffered in the past, or any other recurring issue that you feel like you need help with.

How Long Does Each Session Last?

Sessions last 50 minutes. However, I can offer longer sessions if you feel like that isn’t enough time for you.

Whether you are going through long-standing depression and anxiety or have a specific relationship issue you need help with, I am here to provide the specialist support you need through CBT therapy and couples therapy in Swindon. Get in touch to arrange Zoom sessions or face-to-face counselling in Swindon.

How Often Should I Have Sessions?

Generally, I see clients on a weekly basis, but can see you twice a week if you are really struggling and require more consistent support. You may, over time, feel like a session every fortnight is all you need. It’s up to you.

How Do I Pay for Counselling Sessions?

I accept payment by cash, cheque, or bank transfer for CBT therapy in Swindon or online. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice must be given for cancellations, otherwise refunds will not be eligible.

Can I Do

Online Sessions?

Along with face-to-face counselling in Swindon, I can conduct sessions over Zoom for those who can’t travel or don’t live in the Swindon area. CBT therapy over the telephone is also available if that way of working is preferable to you.

©2022 Deborah Seal

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